Saturday, January 3, 2009

WoW Warlock Guide

For An INSTANT DOWNLOAD: CICK HERE You're reading post 2 of our WoW Warlock Guide. For post 1, check out: World of Warcraft Warlock Guide (page 1)

How To Deal With Pets

Pets are crucial for the success of the Warlock. Your first pet is an imp because Warlocks utilize demons as pets. It is unfortunate that your first imp is not much help. However, once you get past the tenth level, you can upgrade to a more useful pet. One that will have additional skills and can inflict more damage.

The Voidwalker is the most common pet for a Warlock because they are excllent at taking damage. They can be used early in the game however, many players like to keep them around because they are so useful. At a later point, you will have to deal with the Succubus, Fellhunter, Fellguard and the Infernal. They require at least one soul shard to buy, and they can't be obtained until you reach specific levels. For you to obtain an Infernal, it is necessary to acquire an Infernal Stone. As you come near level 50, be on the lookout for one.

Click Here for the Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide

How To Earn Money

The Warlock needs various techniques to acquire gold in the game. Most characters will go grind a mob. A Warlck's best bet is to concentrate on their professions. Players will always want healing potions and enchanted objects. You will be in good shape once your skills allow you to make rare items .

Now It's Time To Put It All Together

You have now learned how to make money, how to make use of a pet, and what skills your Warlock possesses. Now it is time to get out and play! Sound strategy is the key to your success. The Warlock has to combine long distance warfare with a pet for optimal results. The pet will absorb the damage and you can stay away from the battle.

Learning spells is critical to your success . There are three main types of spells. The first type is called Affliction. These are the spells that affect your enemies health both immediately, and long term. This type of spell is extremely useful and extremely difficult to break.

The second type is known as a Demonology. You must learn the Ritual of Summoning and other skills. Again, this is quite useful in long range warfare, as it can completely disable your enemies.

Destruction is the last type.

You will need to get a little bit more "up front and personal" in warfare to use this spell. However, it is quite effective. As you increase your skill level and experience, you will learn more powerful spells. By the time you reach end game, you will be very well equipped to handle anything.

Even though the Warlock may not be a physically imposing warrior, they are a powerful class that can provide ample amounts of death and destruction when played well. Make time to learn spells and sharpen your skills, and your character will be prolific in Wow.

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