Rating: 5 STARS
Reviewer: John Lahooch
How fast do you want to level in World of Warcraft? The team iDemise leveling guide can help you level just as fast as you want! The information is highly detailed from beginning to end. Players are able to find ways to earn and mine gold, character specific qualities, important quest information, and many other features that will help your character to get off to a roaring start!
If you are having difficulty determining what to do next or where you should be headed, you can refer to this in game guide and be certain of your path.. This feature by itself, will dramatically improve your game play. Quests are completed more quickly and more efficiently so you can be on to the next quest FAST!
The two most important features in the guide are the way point arrow and the in game leveling guide display. They help you do things much more quickly. You pick your current level from the drop down menu, and then you are provided directions on what to do next. Extremely simple.The team iDemise guide, is an absoulute must for your World of Warcraft gaming experience. It takes the experience and gaming skills of the professionals and places that information right at your fingertips, literally. The amazing thing about this guide is that it is totally integrated into your game. You do NOT have to fumble around with a guide.
The team iDemise leveling guide is a 100% In game add-on. It works while you are in the game, directly on your screen. If information is needed about the game, it is simple to find and simple to access.
There are almost no guides out there that provide as much information as the team iDemise guide. It is loaded with techniques and tips to get your character up to where you want it to be in record time. You will no longer have to wander through the game ignorant of where you are going or what you are doing. Level at warp speed and enjoy the game the way it was meant to be played. Use the 1 - 80 in game leveling guide to level up and join your friends, or to simply advance in the game VERY quickly.
There are many guides on the market right now for World of Warcraft, but none of them come close to the in game add-on feature that the team iDemise guide provides. It is the "Rolls Royce" of leveling guides! Both newbie and advanced gamers can discover something in this guide to take their games to the next level.
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