Friday, December 12, 2008

WoW Paladin Guide

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Please note: You are looking at post 2 of our Wow Paladin Guide, you'll find post 1 here: World of Warcraft Paladin Guide.

Selecting The Right Profession Paladin is such a flexible class,so it is easy to find the right profession. Usually, players will choose herbalism, alchemy or enchanting because they do blend perfectly with the class skills. It is a advisable to scramble this up a little by selecting an additional profession such as blacksmithing or mining to allow for more potential revenue.
Leatherworking or skinning are not useful, and many players avoid them. If your strategy is planning to use your Paladin to grind for gold in specific places, the skinning profession can be an excellent secondary profession.Fishing has started to become a good choice as a profession for Paladins, because it can be a very good way to collect more gold. Fishing is very time consuming, so bear this in mind if your choice is to spend your time questing and not working on your profession.
A Paladin's Skills
By now you have an awareness of what Paladins can perform within a group setting, however it is critical to realize how each of these three skills can be utilized. The Paladin is a critical class for groups to have mainly due to these three abilities.
Tanking : This is the method of absorbing damage on yourself for the benefit of other players. In other classes, players that are skilled in ranged combat will utilize their pets to tank for them. A Paladin can tank many enemies simultaneously. They have unique spells and skills which are powerful in sticky situations. As the levels get more difficult, these skills are priceless!
Healing : Paladins are skilled at self healing. They also can heal others as well. This is one of the main reasons that Paladins are in such demand. This is a crucial skill for the endgame, so really focus on the spells connected with this ability.
Damage :Paladins are able to increase the degree of damage that they are able to impose on their enemies. Again, this is a critical skill for the end game and can be improved along the way.
Putting it All Together
When you add up all of the skills and abilities , it is simple to recognize why a great many players aspire to be a Paladin. It is very rewarding to be a benefit to your group and this class affords you that opportunity. There can be multiple Paladins in one group, because they can utilize a different aura or blessing to improve the whole group.
With their versatility in fighting skills, the skills in their professions, and because they get upgraded armor, this is really the ideal class for players that are beginning in this game. You have considerably more strength to handle what the game has to confront you with, and it can help you to handle other classes once you have gained experience with this one.Overall, the Paladin is a class that is vitally valuable to the way the game is played.
I hope you've accrued some important info from this Wow Paladin Guide.
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