Thursday, December 11, 2008

WoW Addicts Review

Reviewer: John Lahooch

Rating: 5 Stars

Website Reviewed: WoW Addicts Website

Here is a complete review of WoW Addicts. It is the talk of the forums. Check out what I discovered!

.For the most part, I live a pretty routine life. You know, a 9-5 kind of guy. Besides having fun with my children, my favorite activity is World Of Warcraft. I don't think that I am exactly "hooked", but I feel like my play time is a treat for myself. Lately,I am enjoying it less. For more than a month, I have been bogged down, and basically going nowhere. I am still close to where I started, and my character has been continually back and forth the zones. I am still stuck on level 6. What a drag!

One day while visiting one of the Wow forums, I came across a thread that was discussing a new guide titled "Wow Addicts." All the posts were raving about how the guide was drastically improving their leveling speed. I had always dreamed about reaching level 70, and the price of the guide was tiny if it could restore my passion for the game.

I made a decision to begin again with the identical character following the guide. After just a day, I reached level 6! I was shocked! I knew I would level up quickly, but not THAT quickly! What is really great about the WoW Addict Guide is that it allows you total freedom, and won't dictate the characters you should be playing. You have total flexibility to be your own character and class. I was especially excited about his, "How To Find And Get Into A Good Guild". This was VERY useful, as I could never find discussions about this on the forums. The guide will also teach you how to convince and apply on these great guilds.

Click HERE to Visit WoW Addicts

I have provided the different sections of the guide with brief descriptions....

1. Interface Options detailed on the WoW Addict Guide. - Turn these controls on or off before you start your quest, and sometimes in the middle of the game. I discovered that the controls and settings make a huge difference in your gaming speed! The author provides excellent opinions on the interface options itself. I finally discovered buttons such as Instant Quest Text and the Auto Join Recruitment Channel that I had never noticed before. 2. UI Add-ons or User Interface- This will give you the links where you can receive critical add-ons for pre programmed abilities, talents and equipment for your character. 3.Tips To Increase Your Speed- These are vital tips on each aspect ( from using pets, strategic drinking/eating to questing vs grinding and strategic resting periods ) that are critical for increasing your leveling speed. These hints are brilliant and totally original.

4. Trading 101 :This section details how you will ease through trading. Trading skill is not for all players, but you will get helpful suggestions in this section..5. The 200-300 Gold Area : This area seems to be EVERYONE'S choice!. This part locates the precise place where gaining 300 golds per hour is a breeze! You will love this area, too! 6. Your Step by Step Guide to Level 1-70.: Wow, talk about a straight line to success!. Each step will detail the precise place where you should go, the character to speak with and your appropriate actions. The steps are numbered and linked for you to see the maps, characters and what to expect when you perform the actions on the guide. Upon completion of 200 steps, (at the most), you arrive on level 70! . The 1st 100 steps go by super quickly as you become so "in" to the game!

Click HERE to Visit WoW Addicts

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