Friday, December 26, 2008

Wow Mage Guide

The Spells And Skills Of A Mage
There are three basic types of spells that a mage is able to utilize: Arcane, Fire and Frost. When applied intelligently, these are extemely potent at crushing enemies. But it is prudent for a mage to be far removed from the action . A mage must remain at a distance or risk injury or death. It is also wise to conserve your mana as well as your health.because spells will drain them at these levels. The spells using fire are best used on enemies, especiallyin dangerous situations. These spells are effective from far away and are capable of delivering a strong first attack. Frost spells are often referred to as area of affect spells, and are effective at freezing enemies when they come too close. Arcane spells have value for more common needs, such as traveling, healing, crowd control or buffing players.

A mage has the helpful ability to summon sustenance. Groups have great need for mages for this purpose because there are situations when players need to eat and drink In critical situations, having a mage to summon these items can be very useful. Keep in mind, if you summon up food or water but fail to utilize it, the items will not be there after you logout. Just be sure you need the items, and use them before you finish playing for the day.

The talents of the mage revolve around the three spell groups we listed previously. It is important to refer to a talent calculator to figure out which set of talents are the most adaptable to your individual needs and style of play. These can vary tremendously and can determine how well you play the game. Too low, and you can lose health points
Making The Most Of The Mage Class

The mage may seem frail and have little value, however in many situations within the game, mage are really the most powerful class. Mage have the ability to inflict extreme damage in the blink of an eye!. Players have to consider advantages and disadvantages when picking races in WoW, and though the mage class may not be the most poweful, they still have value. As far as playing in PVP, a mage frequently outlasts several stronger classes, even when the odds are against them.

As you move up through the levels, you will have the opportunity to earn more powerful weapons such as daggers and a one handed sword. Go ahead and make use of these even though spells will be your major weapon. They are useful in close situations when casting a spell isn't possible, or during an ambush.

The mage becomes a vital player during the endgame and groups should have at least one to finish the game with success. Their abilities to polymorph and summon food and drink are very useful in the endgame. The crowd control ability comes in handy in the endgame as well.

The secret to winning with a mage is making use of it within its limitations and concentrating on its strengths. Learn spells and skills that suit the class and focus on professions that earn more money later.
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