Sunday, December 14, 2008

WoW Horde Guide

Money Making Basics
When you make the choice to play as a member of the Horde faction, your next task is to pick the correct race for your character. There are five main races for the Hordes. These races are Blood Elves, Orcs, Tauren, Undead and Trolls. Each one has advantages and disadvantages, so it s important to choose with care .
Blood Elves – This race has gained a reputation because of magical powers. Many believe that they were part of a separate race of High Elves, but they have evolved and become part of the Horde faction. Blood elves are great choices for players who employ strategy, as oppposed to simply trying to overpower opponents. Blood Elves have unique skills which include the Arcane Torrent. This skill quiets enemies within a eight yard radius. Another skill is the Mana Tap, which saps the energy of enemies and they can no longer minimize the effectiveness of magic spells cast against a group.
Orcs – Orcs are extremely popular because of their fighting skills. Orcs are not particularly agile, however, they are great in the middle of a battle. The traits associated with orcs are Blood Fury, where they have the ability to reduce the efficacy of an attack on an opponent or hamper an opponent's healing process. Orcs have the characteristic of Hardiness which makes them good with an axe, and resistant to attacks.
Tauren – These chaacters resemble bulls and are extremely strong and are good choices for those who like melee fighting as opposed to casting spells. Taurens are arguably the very best fighters and perform great in battle situations. Some of their traits are the War Stomp, which renders opponents helpless , and the Endurance trait which allows Tauren to hold off attacks from opponents. This is an ideal race for players who are undecided about where they want to start ,but still have adequate power for a new player.
Undead - Undead are extremely strong fighters who are skillful at casting spells.This is the ideal race for players who want a varied selection of fighting skills. A good example of their traits are the Will of the Forsaken, which prevents fear, or the need to sleep. When it is activated, they cannot be charmed . Additional traits are Shadow Resistance and Underwater Breathing.
Trolls – As of this writing, Darkspear Race is th only type of troll that can be a playable character. They are excellent in battle and most players choose them because of their huge size and awesome power. Their racial traits include Beserking, where Trolls can provide a overwhelming attack on foes , in addition to Regeneration and Beast Slaying.
Once a player has made a choice to play in the Horde faction, They will need to zip through the levels very quickly . It is simple to get slowed down taking quests. Unforunately, if players are not careful. it can take anywhere from several hours, to even DAYS to get through the initial levels. Grinding is a good way to accelerate the process.
To discover more secrets about grinding and leveling, go to page 2 of this wow horde guide right here: World of Warcraft Horde Guide.
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